Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rule of Thirds Finch

rule of thirds finch, originally uploaded by plattj1.

This finch was perched in the yard yesterday waiting for a turn at the feeder. At the same time over on DPREVIEW there was a challenge open entitled "The Rule of Thirds". After waiting for Atticus to get in the right spot I took the image, processed, resized and jumped over to find the challenge had filled up.

So I have decided to share it with the world of BLOGGERS instead.

Shot through the open office window while moving between the computer and the camera.

Fun stuff.

Welcome to NorCal/Southern Oregon

Six weeks ago I switched from film to digital photography, I know I am a little late to the party, but what a fun party it is... I plan to travel around the area re-shooting all of my favorite shots from the past 20 or 30 years and share them with anyone who cares to join me.