Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fathers are forever

Last year my dad passed away and even though I am in my 50’s it was still tough to take, for the first time in my life I can’t call him for advice. Our relationship was not as close as I would have liked it to be, he kept everyone at a distance, that was just his personality. Still, your father is a special person and they hold a place in your heart like no other, regardless of their human flaws.

I loved him dearly.

One thing about being a father is that you can’t get there without being a son first, so I determined that I would not repeat the same mistakes, I would make all new ones. Now that my kids are old enough to be out on their own I have learned something else. It’s the ongoing relationship that matters most. I know I have made mistakes, some of them I can remember and many I am not even aware of. In this case ignorance really is bliss. I never mentioned any of my fathers mistakes to him, why would I? They were past and I could not have loved him any more, even if he were perfect.

What I needed, and what I got from him, was a relationship. An ongoing, long lasting mentor I could speak with honestly. Someone who had no motive other than love to guide him in our conversations.

I have come to realize that your children never stop needing you, their needs just change. I also find that I am still learning from my own father even after he is gone.

I love you dad.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Balloon Festival in Montague

This week I went camping in Jefferson at the yearly Montague Balloon Festival and Parade... It was an amazingly great time.

Every morning they lifted off at dawn and floated around for a few hours and on Saturday night they held a "glodeo".

The new rig (5th wheel) was great and the people were fantastic.

Instead of writing a lot in this case I am just going to post a few pictures.

If you can make it to Montague it is worth the drive, they are there to have a good time and it is truly a wonderful festival.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Results Are In....

bird_2, originally uploaded by plattj1.

I entered my first competition, the Tehama County Fair, and the results are in. This picture of a finch took second place in the wildlife category. Two of my other entries also were awarded honorable mentions.

I had no idea how many good photographers there were out there, the truth is I was lucky to get anything. There were some amazing images hanging from all over the Northstate. What was really enjoyable was to see the different views of the same places through the lens of so many photographers. No two looked the same.

If you have a county or state fair nearby I encourage you to attend, it is an inexpensive way to enjoy the day.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Backyard Fun

GarlicFlower, originally uploaded by plattj1.

My wife loves to garden, which is great for me because I always have something in bloom to photograph. This is an HDR image of a Garlic flower. The only thing signifigant about it is that it is the first HDR I have ever done.

What a fun process, it's like having a darkroom without all the smells and the mess. If you haven't tried digital photography let me encourage you to start, it is a whole new way of making images and preserving moments in time.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Everyday Heroes

One of the reasons that dogs are so endearing is that they all think their masters are fabulous. Sometimes I think they understand things that we don’t, like who their heroes really are.

I have a friend who was laid off due to the economy. He is in his fifties, a computer programmer and so far unable to find another position. With three children and a wife looking to him for support, he has been struggling with the stress that only someone who has felt the burden of responsibility can understand. Everyday he gets up and tries again, faces the world and does his best. And while popular culture glorifies athletes and celebrities as heroes because they can throw a ball or look good on television, in my mind that just makes them lucky, not great. A great man is someone like my friend; a guy who delays his boyhood dreams and faces uncertainty with courage and fortitude. Sometimes being a grown up means having to accept that there is no right answer, no solution, you just have to live with the circumstances and bear the weight.

Which brings me back to my dog, people love pets because of the unselfish friendship they provide, something we can all learn. Instead of wasting my efforts on false heroes, untouchable icons who don’t need, care or even know of our labors, I have decided to try and encourage those around me. The world is full of everyday heroes who ask for nothing but deserve the best we can give.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Abandoned Farmhouse

I frequent a website named DPREVIEW.COM because of my love for photography. They run challenges every week and I wanted to enter this image into an event requiring pictures of old farmhouses. Unfortunately it was disqualified because of a timing issue.

Still, it got me thinking about land and ownership. We were in the area where Chief Joseph started his famous run from the US Calvary after having his land taken back by the government, and that made me start to wonder what we can really own. To own something means that it is 100% yours and that it can't be taken away, you can do with it what you will. If I don't pay my taxes the county will come take my house, even though I own it. If I get caught driving recklessly the police can impound my car and not give it back until I pay the fine, even though I own it.

After some thought I came to believe that the only thing that is truly yours, to do with what you will, is your soul. You can believe in the God and/or Deity you choose regardless of your circumstances. There may be a heavy penalty to pay, but it cannot be taken from you regardless of what the world throws at you. I find great comfort in that.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tomato Eater

tomat_eater, originally uploaded by plattj1.

This guy was hanging around the garden this week, it actually took me a couple of days to find him. Once he made himself known I captured him on digital and decided to let him grow. The tomato's are coming in just fine and he is very colorful. Next month's photo club competition is "eyes" and if I could find them on this guy I will try and get an entry for the constest.

I wonder just how many eyes he has?