Sunday, May 9, 2010

Shasta Photo Club - HDR class

This weekend the Shasta Photo Club had a teaching field trip to Lassen Park where we worked on Panoramic shots and HDR's. The group was great and the teachers were both gracious and patient. Frank Kratofil and Jim Arnold did a wonderful job of explaining the how and when of using HDR and then led us all to do some demonstration photos. This first shot is an HDR blended in Photomatix and then Photoshop CS4.

The shot is a 5 image panorama of Manzanita Lake and Lassen Mountain in Northern California, even though it is the middle of May there is still lots of snow everywhere. After a break for snacks we headed up to the main mountain to wait for the sun to set. We had great clouds but not much color. Oh well, you can't order perfect sunsets, you just have to be ready and be there.

Even though we didn't have great color we still had weather and nice clouds. Everyone learned a little something and a good time was had by all.


If you are looking to learn photography a club is a nice way to advance your skills.

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