Saturday, June 17, 2017

Roseburg Oregon

Roseburg Oregon –

Nikon D7100, ISO 800, Nikon 16-85 f3.5~5.6, 1/2000, f8, Handheld. Processed in LightRoom, converted to black and white using LightRoom.

Ended up spending 2 nights in Roseburg on the banks of the Umpqua River. It is a beautiful place and one where I have many great memories. I was on my way to visit a friend who is living with a debilitating illness. It was a very introspective journey for me. I lost a good buddy a couple of years ago who was part of a group that spent a few days on this river every spring. In the past couple years I have lost three people I was close to, sitting on the banks of this river and thinking about all the days we spent together in this very spot was sobering. Even though the tone was sad the memories are not, I treasure those days and wouldn’t have missed them for any reason.

Nikon D7100, ISO 800, Nikon 16-85 f3.5~5.6, 1/2000, f8, Handheld. Processed in LightRoom, Processed in PhotoShop using luminosity masks and curves.

Floating the river at dawn in the mist is almost surreal. The only sounds are the water and the lapping of the waves against the hull. You can see your breath mingling with the mist as shapes emerge in the distance.

Nikon D7100, ISO 800, Nikon 16-85 f3.5~5.6, 1/2000, f8, Handheld. Processed in LightRoom, converted to black and white using LightRoom.

As far as camera stuff, I just use a small trash bag. Camera goes in when not in use, comes out for shooting. Filters are nice but the light is so low in the morning that I can’t afford the light loss. Everything has to be handheld and between the moving boat and the scenery going by there is just no room to spare.

If you get to Roseburg take the time to drive up the north stem into the wild and scenic area, it is untouched and incredible. I can recommend the Holiday Inn Express and the Best Western in town, I have stayed in both quite a bit. If you are in an RV there is a fun “Drive-In Theater” RV park we have used which was also great.

The drive west from Roseburg to the coast is also worth the time.


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