Thursday, October 8, 2009

Random Acts of Kindness

Well we made it to Harris State Beach in Oregon, what a great campground. The mornings are foggy but the evenings are clear and wonderful. We had a first today; we went out to start the truck and it died instantly -- which was a HUGE suprise, our truck has been a faithful beast for the past 5 years.

No problem, out with the AAA card and minutes later there was a tow truck en-route, as an afterthought I asked the operator to call the dealership and make sure there was a diesel mechanic on duty. The service writer asked me if I had lost prime. Doing my best imitation of someone who had the slightest idea of what he was talking about I said; "Maybe, let me check, how do I do that again?" After being directed to the priming button and pumping it, the truck started right up and ran great for the rest of the day.

That was the second act of kindness bestowed upon me in the past two days. Yesterday after pulling 14,000 pounds up the side of a mountain I noticed that my rear tires were underinflated. Off to the nearest mini-mart I went with 35 feet of 5th wheel in tow. None of the .25 cent air machines would put any air in my tires, they do not fill past about 40 pounds and I was trying for 80 plus. Pulling back onto the highway I rolled into Trinity Tire Center in Weaverville, CA where the service writer was trying to enjoy a quiet lunch. After hearing my tale he jumped up and said let's get you back on the road safely. With no small effort he untangled a LONG air hose and filled the tires on my truck, all the while his lunch was waiting and he refused any fee.

Anyone with doubts that California is still full of wonderful folks should get out more, there are still plenty of people willing to lend a hand to a traveler in need.

There is more to share, like the way my dog thinks that seagulls were created for his entertainment, or how much fun it was to see a little boy about 3 years old yell "Hi" at every boat in the Chetco river because his mom told him daddy was on one of those boats fishing.

More tomorrow....

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